lukajk / blog / tyler1

jan 17 25 02:35pm
last modified jan 20 25 03:32am

Tyler1 played 3.8k top games (over 2 seasons + preseason), failing master promos 35+ times before hitting challenger on top. In one session, he played 25 games straight, losing 18 of them. Another time, he played 30 games in a single session - so many that it didn't even fit within a 24-hour period. That is bordering on inhuman levels of psychological torture especially if you tilt as badly he does. Top was clearly the most hellish but he also grinded to challenger in every other role. And that's not mentioning chess, where he peaked ~1960 on starting from zero in one year with a similar "brute force" strategy. Until recently I had a very positive opinion; "you have to respect the grind if nothing else," but I read more about it and learned he's acknowledged having an extremely addictive personality. Tyler certainly has tolerance for the "grind" but it does seem different when it's a byproduct of serious addiction. I suppose commitment to that degree nearly by definition has to be a condition of some sort. Doesn't seem replicable (or necessarily desirable) for us mortals.